To jest jedna z tych nieoczekiwanych płyt, która spadła na głowę jak młot. Jest to kawałek żywiołowej, inteligentnej i pięknej muzyki, który powinien cieszyć tylu fanów muzyki, ile tylko to możliwe. Musi!

To fragmenty recenzji Adama Barucha zamieszczonej na stronie Jazzis. Oto całość tekstu, w języku angielskim:

This is one of those unexpected albums, which fall on your head like a sledgehammer… The album was recorded by a Polish trio, which calls itself rather ambiguously New Trio, and consists of brothers: Mateusz Smoczynski – violin and Jan Smoczynski – Hammond organ and drummer Alex Zinger. I admit being a little puzzled by the „new” part of their name, but a couple of minutes into the music made everything abundantly clear; they are a new / updated version of the fabulous 1960s French trio, which included violinist Jean-Luc Ponty, organist Eddy Louiss and drummer Daniel Humair. That revolutionary trio, one of the great precursors of European Jazz, which combined the art of improvisation with the great European music tradition, serves as a model for New Trio, not only in its instrumental lineup, but also stylistically and sonically, as the album presents a wonderful „retro” sound, typical of the great 1960s recordings. Of course the music is all new and almost entirely original, composed mostly by the organist, with a couple of tracks being co-composed by all three members and one standard – a breathtaking redemption of John Coltrane’s „Naima”. The music is absolutely brilliant, admittedly not very adventurous, but with great melody lines, well developed themes and interesting rhythmic variations. The performances are excellent as well, with all three musicians being obvious virtuosi on their respective instruments and the trio being blessed with great rapport and telepathic mind-reading between its members. Of course the sound of violin is capable of melting even the iciest of hearts, and is used here with passion but also with great taste, not „overdoing it” on the sentimental side. The Hammond, one of my most beloved instruments, is the basis of all this music and with slightly enhanced sonic capabilities proves its vitality and enormous rage of possibilities, which should be envied by any of the modern / electronic keyboard super-machines. The drums bear an enormous responsibility in this music, providing both the rhythmic backbone and the wonderful ornamentation, without being overzealous. In short, this music is just perfect the way it is, which happens unfortunately quite rarely. Of course there is also the „Polish connection” in the background, especially the Polish Jazz violin tradition, which must have had its influence here. Therefore an attentive listener will be able to catch glimpses of Michal Urbaniak and Zbigniew Seifert in this music, but only symbolically and never used overtly as plagiarisms. I urge every Jazz lover to get hold of this wonderful album pronto, especially those of you who love violin and / or the Hammond organ. This is an invigorating, intelligent and beautiful piece of music, which should be enjoyed by as many music lovers as possible. A must!