Andrés Coll Project - Ibiza Jazz Festival

tue30augAll DayAndrés Coll Project - Ibiza Jazz FestivalIbiza

Event Details

Andrés Coll – Vibraphone,
Majid Bekkas – guembri, vocal,
Mateusz Smoczynski – violin,
Ramón López – drums

The Andrés Coll Project unites a core group of musicians who amalgamate the research of the folk music of their own cultures with avant-garde spirit and free improvisation.

With a cheerful, dynamic and unifying character, the group offers a profound and liberating musical journey open to all kinds of audiences and all types of stages. Folklore is music for all ages and all ears, grounding and commotional, while the vanguard spirit evokes the feeling of freedom, above prejudices and preconceptions. The fusion of folk and avant-garde creates a vibrant music of high energy and dynamism, fresh, joyful and original, which transcends barriers and formalisms, inspiring the unity of body and soul.

The group investigates the archaeology of musical cultures, amidst which the Ibicencan folklore appears as a yet unopened treasure vault of pristine phoenician, egypcian, byzantine and ancient greek sounds, connected with the North African Gnawa and Kaukasian traditions, digging for the roots of a singular primordial music, the humans’ lost original language.



August 30, 2022 All Day(GMT+01:00)


Vara de Rey

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